Welcome to the 2025 Tennessee Library Association Conference #tnla25! We’re glad you’re here. Build your schedule below, and be sure to check the More Info page for additional conference details.
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We have come up with a way to help patrons who are struggling with a domestic problem and wanting to get help or away and don't know how. The Angel shot popular in bars for domestic abuse or online dating gone wrong put into book form for patrons in our libraries. This Presentation explains how to implement and who to partner with to serve our Community.
By day, I am the assistant Director of Elma Ross Public Library. I am also troop leader of Girl Scout troop 40083. I am also a dog Mom of three wonderful dogs, Keigen , Kara, and Casper. And a loving wife to my awesome husband. By night I am a karaoke singing, anime watching, book... Read More →
Aligning with TNLA’s back to the basics theme, this session will review the tools and techniques of cataloging work, including descriptive cataloging (RDA), subject cataloging (classification and subject headings), authority control (authorized access points), the Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC) format, and, if time allows, a brief discussion of what many see and hope for the future of cataloging: BIBFRAME. Mostly, however, this session aims to offer attendees–be they brand new catalogers, seasoned catalogers wanting a refresher, or non-cataloging library workers wanting a better grasp of what this work entails–a practical introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of cataloging.
Do you have that one thing on your to-do list that is always at the bottom? Do you push it back day after day, week after week, month after month? Do you ever even do it at all? The good news is that we all have those things! In an effort to put out the fires popping up all over the library, we all end up pushing the other things back, sometime indefinitely. But we can help each other figure out how to get back to basics and tackle the things we absolutely don't want to do. This session will be a hands-on collaboration with the Obion River Regional team and your fellow library staff from which you will walk away with tools to help you tackle those annoying things at the bottom of your list.
Fitness programs are a great way to add some diversity to your calendar while also attracting fresh faces to your library. But the process of starting or implementing them can be daunting. We will explore different kinds of programs for a wide range of interest groups, as well as ways to implement and fund these programs for maximum impact. Be forewarned: we may do some moving ourselves!